Monday, September 17, 2007 Owns and Controls the Left Wing is an extremely radical left wing propoganda tool. It is this way because it's members and it's supporters are extremely radical left wing activists. Of course, this group supports like minded political candidates. It also controls them to a very large degree.

Politicians adore money more than anything else. And doles out plenty of it to radical left wing politicians. This is why . . . . . the only reason why . . . . . we will never hear a single radical left wing politician say anything against No way they will repudiate that organization for it's hate-filled tactics. No way will they even express mild disappointment with this group, no matter how far they go.

These radical left wing politicians are owned and controlled by The thought of no longer being able to pig out at that trough scares the hell out of them.

Left wing politicians seem to have a dilemma on their hands. They seem to be having a hard time deciding who to sell out to . . . . . . or the Chinese government (see post below).

Like the true political scum bags they are, they chose the left wing solution. They're taking the money from both!

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