Monday, September 17, 2007

China = Hsu = Democrats = Clinton

Remember China gate? When the Clinton administration and the democratic party tried to sell their influence to China?

Remember Al Gore's secret meeting with Chinese Nationals to accept a large amount of money at a Buddhist temple?

Well, it looks like nothing has changed. Democrats are now scrambling to disavow any knowledge of Mr Hsu or of the huge amounts of money he gave to them. Hillary Clinton very quickly returned over $800,000.00 that her campaign took from Mr. Hsu.

No one seems to be seriously questioning where the money came from. Obviously, it wasn't Mr Hsu's money. He's just a scam artist. I haven't heard what the total amount was that he had given to democrats across the nation, but if you consider that he gave at least $800,000.00 to Hillary, the total amount must be stunning!

Why would an aging scam artist pay so much money to effect our election results? How could he possibly hope to benefit from that? Unless of course the money was supposed to benefit someone else. Like the Chinese government . . . . . again.

One would have to be seriously mentally challenged to believe that a politician isn't intimately aware of any individual who has given them up to $800,000.00 to finance their election to president. Just as one would have to be seriously mentally challenged to believe that any individual spending so much money to effect our elections, hasn't made it perfectly clear to the recipients, what is expected from them in return.

Can anyone who isn't seriously mentally challenged trust those recipients not to sell us out to the Chinese . . . or any other bidder?

Of course not.

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