Monday, September 17, 2007 Owns and Controls the Left Wing is an extremely radical left wing propoganda tool. It is this way because it's members and it's supporters are extremely radical left wing activists. Of course, this group supports like minded political candidates. It also controls them to a very large degree.

Politicians adore money more than anything else. And doles out plenty of it to radical left wing politicians. This is why . . . . . the only reason why . . . . . we will never hear a single radical left wing politician say anything against No way they will repudiate that organization for it's hate-filled tactics. No way will they even express mild disappointment with this group, no matter how far they go.

These radical left wing politicians are owned and controlled by The thought of no longer being able to pig out at that trough scares the hell out of them.

Left wing politicians seem to have a dilemma on their hands. They seem to be having a hard time deciding who to sell out to . . . . . . or the Chinese government (see post below).

Like the true political scum bags they are, they chose the left wing solution. They're taking the money from both!

China = Hsu = Democrats = Clinton

Remember China gate? When the Clinton administration and the democratic party tried to sell their influence to China?

Remember Al Gore's secret meeting with Chinese Nationals to accept a large amount of money at a Buddhist temple?

Well, it looks like nothing has changed. Democrats are now scrambling to disavow any knowledge of Mr Hsu or of the huge amounts of money he gave to them. Hillary Clinton very quickly returned over $800,000.00 that her campaign took from Mr. Hsu.

No one seems to be seriously questioning where the money came from. Obviously, it wasn't Mr Hsu's money. He's just a scam artist. I haven't heard what the total amount was that he had given to democrats across the nation, but if you consider that he gave at least $800,000.00 to Hillary, the total amount must be stunning!

Why would an aging scam artist pay so much money to effect our election results? How could he possibly hope to benefit from that? Unless of course the money was supposed to benefit someone else. Like the Chinese government . . . . . again.

One would have to be seriously mentally challenged to believe that a politician isn't intimately aware of any individual who has given them up to $800,000.00 to finance their election to president. Just as one would have to be seriously mentally challenged to believe that any individual spending so much money to effect our elections, hasn't made it perfectly clear to the recipients, what is expected from them in return.

Can anyone who isn't seriously mentally challenged trust those recipients not to sell us out to the Chinese . . . or any other bidder?

Of course not.

Monday, September 10, 2007

Politics vs Military

Today begins a series of hearings where General David Petraeus will give his first hand account of what is happening in Iraq.

Without even waiting to hear what he has to say, several left wingers are already calling him "dead wrong" (Joe Biden) and even "a liar" (

Joe Biden is a senator from possibly the smallest state in the country. He is a life long politician except for a brief stint as a lawyer (you decide which is worse). He has no military experience. I've tried to find out just how many hours he's spent in Iraq, but haven't been able to lock that down. Let's be generous and say . . . 48 hours. Naturally, most of that was spent eating, sleeping, and simply wasting time.

I won't waste time discussing

General David Petraeus graduated from West Point in 1974 and began his military career. He has several degrees including a PHD. He commanded the 101st Airborne Division during the drive to Baghdad and made significant progress in his area of operations in a post war environment. In 2007, the US Senate voted 81 - 0 to confirm him as Commander of Multi-National forces in Iraq.

Now Biden, and other liberals presume to try to convince the American people that General Petraeus shouldn't be listened to. Biden thinks he knows more about the situation on the ground in Iraq than General Petraeus does. wants us to believe that they have credibility but General Petraeus doesn't.

Both situations are laughable . . . . . and sickening.

Biden knows how to feed at the public trough. He knows how to lie to voters and get away with it. He knows how to garnish pork for his state. He knows absolutely nothing about military affairs.

General Petraeus is an American Military Man. He has made the military his career. Rather than living off the nation, as Biden has always done, General Petraeus has served the nation for the past 30 years.

So, the choice is to believe an aging, career bottom feeder like Biden, or a hysterical bunch of loons like, or to believe the experienced and qualified man that congress assigned to do this job.

First Congress sent our troops to war and them abandoned them. Then they sent General Petraeus to assess the situation, and now they'll betray him as well.

That is the democratic controlled congress!

Wednesday, August 15, 2007

Hillary’s socialist streak is showing

I saw a picture today of Hillary Clinton with a large banner on the wall behind her that proclaims “Shared Prosperity”.

During her speech under that banner, she proudly proclaimed that she “would help the nation overcome economic disparities”.

I view these and other statements by her as additional indications of Hillary Clinton’s desire for a socialist state. Her socialist goals at one time seemed to be limited to socialized medicine. Now it seems equally clear that she endorses the re-distribution of wealth as well.

How else to overcome economic disparities?

Hillary believes (or at least she thinks it will get her elected if she makes people “think” she believes) that everyone should make the same amount of money. Since there is no way that billions of people will do what it takes to “earn” the same amount of money, the only possible way to achieve her goal is to take it from those who earn it, and give it to those who don’t. Redistribution of wealth.

Hillary apparently believes that wealth is a bad thing . . . . unless everyone can be wealthy. Socialism resolves this dilemma by insuring that no one can become wealthy. The historical exception to this rule is those in power who decide how wealth should be distributed.

The redistribution of wealth can be accomplished in a couple of ways:

The Government decides how much wealth individuals or families or groups can earn.
The Government redistributes money from earners to non-earners through subsidized government run programs that only the earners contribute to and only the non-earners benefit from.

Socialism doesn’t work. Anyone who gives 5 minutes of unprejudiced thought to the concept can see that. If a hard worker can only earn as much as a non-worker, what will the outcome be? Will the non-worker start working harder? Hell no. Eventually the hard worker will decide to stop being the fool and will slow down to match the efforts of the non-worker! Production goes down, and entrepreneurial efforts become non existent.

The overall result is that the economic disparity gets eliminated. Everyone becomes equally poor. Except those who control the governments power!

Of course, Hillary and other socialists ignore the plain, simple fact that economic disparity is a good thing. It proves that those who are willing to work for it, and to do the things that are required (like getting an education, working hard, working smart, and making the right choices), can excel. This opportunity to excel is what drives productivity, creativity and . . . . . the American dream!

Monday, June 25, 2007

Jimmy Carter - Still a Buffoon!

In Ireland last week, Jimmy Carter, the professional ex-president, showed the world that he is still an incompetent ass. During an address, Carter called “criminal” Americas decision to withhold funding from the murderous terrorists called hamas. He bad mouthed the U.S. and the E.U. for supporting the Abbas regime over this well known terrorist group. He made these moronic statements just after the world watched how Hamas murdered unarmed fellow Palestinians “execution style” in the Streets of Gaza.

I’m not sure which actions illustrate the worst kind of sickness; the cold blooded execution of those who don’t agree with your terrorist tactics, or the mindless support given to these murderers by an ineffective, gutless and irrelevant ex-president.

Jimmy Carter presided over the most ineffective administration in history. The defining moment of his presidency happened when radical Iranian university students stormed the U.S. embassy and took over 50 American hostages. Carter did nothing. For 444 days, Carter did nothing. (The only exception was a failed rescue attempt that was aborted while the participants were still in the dessert. Eight Americans died in a tragic accident after the mission was aborted). Now, one of the leaders of the radical students who held those hostages and faced down Carter, is the president of Iran. He regularly calls for the annihilation of Israel and is diligently producing Nuclear capabilities. Under this man’s leadership, Iran is now the biggest threat this world knows.

And true to form, Jimmy Carter apparently still advocates placating terrorists.

Friday, May 25, 2007

Democrats and the war in Iraq

Its the beginning of Memorial Day weekend. The democrats in congress just caved into Bush's demand for funding with no outside interference attached to it. While I'm sure it was a humbling experience for the dems initially, their overwhelming arrogance quickly took over again.

The dems are now vowing to continue to interfere by holding constant votes against Bush and against our efforts in Iraq. Just like the immature little punks these people really are, they will continue to be obstructionists, and continue to undermine our efforts, all the while continuing to falsely proclaim support for the troops.

This Memorial Day its time to get honest! These people DO NOT support our troops. They have simply swarmed over a "cause celeb" like a pile of maggots and they intend to milk it for all they can. By claiming to believe that their actions do not harm our troops or our their efforts, they are clearly showing how stupid and ignorant they think the American voters are.

In truth, they know exactly how damaging their actions are to the troops and to their efforts. They simply don't give a damn because they are convinced that the voters are unable to think beyond the lies they feed them.

Unfortunately, they're probably right to a large degree.

I'm gonna spend Memorial Day with some REAL Americans. Veterans, and active duty personnel. At the same time, I'll avoid thinking of these phony Americans in congress as much as possible.


Monday, May 7, 2007

Monkey - no, Activist - no, Monkey!

A Vienna Based animal rights group (Association against Animal Factories) has petitioned the courts in Austria to have a chimpanzee declared a “person”.

While I am convinced that this 26 year old chimp (named Hiasl) is probably a lot more intelligent than the morons who are promoting this absurdity, to the rest of us non-chimps this is an extreme example of the unlimited absurdity of which man is capable.

Supposedly the reason for this request is so that the chimp may legally receive financial gifts, which in Vienna, is a right apparently reserved for human beings. Apparently the shelter where Hiasl currently resides may go bankrupt. As is typical with most professional “activists”, they act emotionally . . . . . stupidly, and they don’t consider alternative or logical scenarios.

Hiasl will never live on his own (he really isn’t human – he’s a chimp). If he enjoys the standard chimp life span, he’ll spend the next 30 years or so in this, or some other shelter. So, there is absolutely no need for direct, personal financial gifts to Hiasl. If someone wants to support this chimp, they would donate to the shelter . . . . not to the chimp. Just like they have been doing for Hiasl since 1982!

If that isn't good enough . . . . . go ahead and contribute illegally! How bad can the punishment be for illegal monkey donating?

But being professional “activists”, these people(?) want the monkey to be declared a “person”. As if that is a simple (let alone sane) thing to do! Presumably as a “person”, the monkey would have all of the rights and responsibilities of a “person”:

He would have the right to live free . . . on his own, wherever he wished or could afford.

He could drive any car he can afford to buy with all the charitable gifts he’d be eligible to receive. He would have control over how those gifts are used.

He could marry another “person” (although I would seriously question whether his “mate” should qualify for that distinction either).

He could be arrested for defecating (and tossing) in public (if that sort of thing is against the law in Vienna).

He would serve jury duty, receive welfare, declare the “M” word as being politically incorrect, and sue any employer who required clothing for discrimination.

And of course, it wouldn’t just be Hiasl. Any such declaration would include all chimps. Since forced imprisonment of “persons” is probably against the law in Vienna, all chimps would be set free immediately.

In the end, I’d like to see a compromise. Set the chimps free but put animal rights activists in cages.