Monday, April 30, 2007

The Military vs. the Democratic Congress

Okay, so the Dem’s have officially done it. They have clearly demonstrated that they are willing to send our troops into harms way, and to support them only for as long as they are comfortable with doing so. When it becomes politically expedient to do so, they will kind of say “never mind” and just call the whole thing off, regardless of the lives lost, the sacrifices made, and regardless of the dire consequences of failure.

Until the next time.

How many times can the liberals in congress do this to our military and still have a military that we can depend on? How will congress ever be able to justify sending troops into harms way . . . anywhere in the world . . . for any reason . . . ever again?

Why should our military ever trust these career politicians to support them and their mission?

Why shouldn’t our military act like congress and think of themselves rather than thinking of our nation?

Maybe the military should require that members of congress sign a contract, swearing to support them 100% to the end, before agreeing to fighting their next war for them. Such a contract would need to include severe personal financial repercussions for failing to meet these terms.

At the very least, why shouldn’t our military men and women, who are infinitely better, smarter, and more honorable human beings than those in congress, demand the same pay and pension – or even more – than the failures who sit in congress?

Better yet, why don’t we the people of America, show the military that we support THEM, not congress. We can do that by voting these scum bags out of office. We can show the military that they can count on us for a change. We can show them that we won’t tolerate politicians who abuse them and who put their political agenda above our military and above our nation’s best interest.

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